Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Are Your New Year's Resolutions?

2009 is fast approaching!

Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? Do you even still make New Year's Resolutions?

My New Year's Resolution isn't really just limited to the new year because I have had this goal for a while now and that goal is to be more financially stable! In other words - I wanna be rich! - LOL!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where Do You Live?

Of course I'm not asking for specifics - LOL! Just a general description about where you live? I have my own separate blog about where I live

LaMott, PA

Do you have a blog about where you live? If so just post a comment about it and leave a link to your blog.

Even if you don't have a blog about where you live but you want to add a comment about where you live - please feel free to do so by commenting to this blog post.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Was Your First Computer Like?

It doesn't seem like it was that long since my first computer!

It was a Tandy Computer that I got for Christmas (many years ago!)from Radio Shack! "Pack-rat" that I am - I still have some of the original manuals for some of the computer programs that came with it - in fact I still have some of the original software disks as well! (I just can't seem to throw anything away until I have completely used it up!)

The computer came with a dot matrix printer - and, yes, I still have that printer! - LOL!

I had since given that computer to a friend of my mother's and they had it for a long time and it wasn't until a few years back that they decided to upgrade and get a newer computer system.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Moving My AOL Pages!

I'm now in the process of moving ALL of my AOL member pages and believe me that is a lot of pages and graphics that I have to move!

I'm currently working on transferring my Webcam Page to Bravehost. There is still a lot yet that I have to do! Thank Goodness I had an offline copy of my websites!

There are a few webcam pictures that I have to transfer over to my new site as well and I also see that the AIM Remote banner that I had doesn't seem to be working anymore!

Moving all of my sites is going to take quite a while!

I am curious though as to where other AOL members are moving their websites to?